Saturday, June 25, 2005

basic treatise on why pro-choice is the best choice

1. Every baby that's born should be wanted. Children that are born to women or families that would rather not have children -- whether at that time or just in general -- grow up in unhappy, unhealthy environments.

2. Every woman or family that wants a child should be capable of taking care of it. This means the woman or family should be able to provide a child a life without financial hardship, emotional instability, violence, insufficient happiness, a lack of love, a lack of responsibility, or a lack of time.

3. Women are not baby machines. While in the past, this was the accepted social role for females; however, it is not today. Working, busy, incapable or uninterested males would never consent to a life-changing, money-draining, and potentially mind-wrecking situation if they had the choice not to, but women are expected to do so. Women have other lives, and accidents happen. To think that a woman should have to bring into the world any child she is not ready for is a sexist, misogynist and archaic belief that should no longer apply to rational people.

4. It is selfish to bring a child into the world that can not be cared for or loved. It is not, as commonly said, selfish and self-serving to have an abortion so one can attend to one's own life instead of that of the child. It is, however, selfish to furnish life to someone that will not have everything they need to succeed in life; it is selfish to give birth to a child that will not be wanted because one is morally opposed to abortion.